New Initiative Awards Grants to Combat Mental Illness in the Music Industry

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Business Business Headlines News

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The Swedish-based digital distribution platform Record Union has awarded a total of $30,000 to three projects aimed at preventing or treating mental illness among musicians, the organization announced Tuesday (July 9).

, named after the organization's recent web survey of 1,489 independent musicians that found nearly three-quarters of them suffered from symptoms of mental illness.

“We’ve met so many impressive people with great projects through The 73 Percent initiative and we’re amazed and humbled that so many people chose to participate,” said Record Union CEOin a statement. “Now, our aim is to start a network where we can connect all this power, knowledge and expertise, and thereby create a new force and movement of health within the music community.”

Out of 200 projects that were submitted to the initiative, 45 met Record Union’s pre-defined criteria and were put up for a public vote on the organization’s official website. Based on votes by over 4,500 unique visitors, the top 10 vote-getters were then interviewed by a panel of experts to narrow it down to the final three.

According to a Record Union spokesperson, the panel looked for scalable projects that could eventually reach a wider and/or global audience of musicians.


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Honestly, ArianaGrande ‘s sweetener album helped me A LOT while facing this complicated mind of mine.

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