U.S. Stocks Rise to Records Following Powell’s Comments

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Business Business Headlines News

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Stocks rose to records, sending the S&P 500 briefly above 3000 for the first time, as Powell's comments bolstered expectations for a rate cut

The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite touched all-time highs, with the S&P briefly eclipsing the 3000 level for the first time. The indexes were up 0.5% and 0.8% in recent trading, respectively. The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 0.

5%, on track to snap a three-day losing streak.

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July madness. The bubble keeps getting bigger.

So are they cutting rates, or is it only a talking thing again. Just cut or stay. Canada stayed. OMG

Rate cut means the economy is slowing down again.... Trump tariffs putting us into recession.

Never forget about this guy's kids

And here comes the increase.

Literally anyone who’s been paying attention knows they shouldn’t cut rates...

This tells us everything. The rate cut is because the economy is inefficient and is not working for the majority of Americans so they want to lure people in deeper. This will lead to inflation and ultimately another recession. Band-aids don’t fix cancer

Perverse. To quote the NYT 'in essence, investors are celebrating a weak outlook for growth as a result of the trade war, which the central bank recently said could discourage business spending and may be contributing to a manufacturing slowdown.'

A rate cut is NOT warranted in a thriving economy. This is irresponsible and a cave to political pressure. Something our Fed is supposed to be above. realDonaldTrump marcorubio federalreserve

All the evidence you need to know a rate cut is not warranted.

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