The business of the body

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

The bigger the business of mind and body becomes, the more likely it will be regulated and quality-controlled

“Quacks Through the Ages”, a study published in 1957, the “outstanding quack of all times” was James Graham, an 18th-century Scottish doctor who conceived mystical cures for all sorts of ailments using fiery electric lamps, magnets and perfumes of the Orient. The centrepiece of his Temple of Health in London was a celestial bed that he claimed could combat sterility and produce perfect babies by pouring out waves of magnetism.

Is it just modern-day quackery, a hankering for any life-prolonging quicksilver, however unscientific and unorthodox? There have been alleged frauds—consider Theranos, a Silicon Valley firm founded by the silver-tongued Elizabeth Holmes, which raised more than $1bn to promote a blood-testing device which was later found to produce flawed results .


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Well said

The lines between the petrochemical and big food are blurring. We used to get food from people in overalls, not lab coats.

Of course, because the bigger the business in controlling it becomes.

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