Trump to meet vaping industry as he weighs new regulations

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Business Business Headlines News

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Trump to meet with vaping industry as he weighs new regulations

WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump said he is planning to meet representatives of the vaping industry, along with medical professionals, as the White House considers new limits on the sale of e-cigarettes."Children's health & safety, together with jobs, will be a focus!" he wrote.

Mr Trump has said he is planning to raise the age limit for vaping products to 21 or so. The White House is also considering banning some flavours of e-cigarettes that are likely to be used by children.White House adviser Kellyanne Conway said last week that the Department of Health and Human Services had jurisdiction over e-cigarettes, but not vape shops - a signal that those stores may escape any new restrictions.

Speaking at the White House on Wednesday, Ms Conway drew a line between two groups of flavours - tobacco and menthol on one side, and mint, fruit and all other flavours on the other. The latter group appeals to kids and the White House must address use by minors, she said.


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