which measures a stock share's movements compared to the overall stock market's is low — ideally below one. This indicates that the stock isn't greatly affected by market swings. The beta coefficient is a complex economist's tool, but you can often find it in analyst's reports on a company, or it may be included in its online stock listing.
However, a mix of both is usually wise. By developing an investment strategy that includes a healthy balance of both defensive and cyclical stocks in your portfolio, you're able to shield against total loss during a downtown and make the most of periods of economic growth.
At the same time, just because a stock is in a defensive sector doesn't necessarily make it a defensive stock. It still has to meet some of the other guidelines mentioned above, such as consistently paying out dividends for a long period of time and having an established, sound financial track record. Defensive stocks are also sometimes referred to as non-cyclical stocks because they don't follow the cycles of the economy. In fact, they typically underperform when the market is up.
MegaWordVigil When JESUS went to The CROSS, HE did not go to die for mankind alone, but for all Creation. 예수님께서 십자가에서 죽으신 것은 인간만을 위해서가 아니라 모든 피조물을 위한 것이었습니다.