The company is facing backlash for its brightly hued,"modern makeover" of Mahjong, the centuries-old Chinese tile game.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Or restyle it. It's a sentiment Dallas-based company The Mahjong Line maybe should have kept in mind. The company is facing backlash for its brightly hued,"modern makeover" of Mahjong, the centuries-old Chinese tile game. Quickly enough, the company was called out online, with criticism picking up earlier this week. Many accused the founders of appropriating the traditional game.
Kate LaGere launched Mahjong Line with friends Annie O'Grady and Bianca Watson in late 2020, finding"traditional tiles... did not reflect the fun that was had when playing with her friends," and that available sets didn't come"close to mirroring her style and personality." Current tile sets range from US$325 to US$425 .