– which is one of the biggest payers of the property-based tax – is calling for a 1% online sales tax to be imposed, alongside business rates reform.
It should be based on turnover or performance not sqft
Not the sexiest topic but face-to-face high street businesses are facing oblivion, making a tax on physical premises look mad. People rely on shops, pubs, cafes etc for work. Or do we side with big online retailers who are doing well out of Covid, supplying the middle classes?
Are bricks and mortar businesses burdened more by rent or business rates?
This is neoliberal capitalism. This is the hell they created.
Rates should have been reformed when Woolworths disappeared.
Online businesses must be taxed the same as mortar and brick stores.
Free enterprise exchange or free commodity order
Surely they understand the exceedingly basic concept of any % of something being better than 100% of nothing 🤔
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