Joe Sevilla, the founder and president of Happy Life, remembers when he was seven years old he often experienced asthma attacks when their home was undergoing general cleaning because of the fumes from insecticides and disinfectants.His father, Victor Sevilla, wanted to address his son’s health problem by removing these harmful chemicals.
The product is an easy-to-use cleaner, disinfectant and deodorizer made with neem and citronella extracts which also repel and kill insects naturally. It can be used for cleaning and grooming of any pet areas and pets and ward off harmful insects. It can also be sprayed on flowering and ornamental plants as a flower bloomer and natural fertilizer.
The secret lies with the neem tree extract, which kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, bad odors, and harmful insects without harming babies, the elderly, pets, and others.
Wow, don't know the story. But that's love for u. You'd live for it.