Film Bazaar, an annual event that takes place in Goa, India, is organized by the country’s National Film Development Corporation . The selected projects are the ones that attracted the most meetings at the Bazaar’s January online edition.
“Rasa” by Anjali Menon , produced by Menon and N.P. Prakash is a dance-based film. Menon is one of India’s most commercially successful filmmakers whose credits include “Bangalore Days” and “Koode.” “Ghol” by Rishi Chandna, produced by Dina Dattani, juxtaposes the Indian subcontinent’s troubled and violent history with the present day while telling the tale of an impoverished trawler fisherman. Besides the Bazaar, the project has alsoand the Hong Kong International Film & TV Market and the Sundance Screenwriters Lab earlier this year.