The health secretary himself admitted the strictest quarantine measures produced little to no improvement in at least two regions. - The World Tonight, ANC, August 23, 2021.
The health secretary himself admitted the strictest quarantine measures produced little to no improvement in at least two regions. - The World Tonight, ANC, August 23, 2021Face shield are useless! America never wear face shield only facemask!
DuterteInutil DutertePalpak
Lockdowns are anti-poor. I think its better if we devise a way of allowing business to open only for responsible citizens. Responsibility equates to vaccination. So can we try vaccine passports at business establishments?
That's what 🇵🇭 gets from a ex-military club of fattened cows. fire all in charge and get public health & medical experts in. Oh that should have been done Jan 2020 'no? End this fvckery. It's long overdue