with over 40% of the adult population fully vaccinated. Currently, almost 100 000 people have succumbed to the pandemic with the positivity rate now standing at less than 10%.
“Cabinet is pleased that almost 32 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered and that over 42 percent of our adult population is fully vaccinated. However, unvaccinated people still remain unprotected against COVID-19 and pose a health risk to themselves and those around them. Vaccination remains the best way to fight COVID-19. Booster shots are now freely available for most people and Cabinet calls on those who are eligible to get boosted as soon as possible.
Updates on adverse effects?
Any update on the fight against the crime pandemic or doesn't it matter as crime pays for some?
So much for reaching that target of 67% target set out for 2021... This article is actually nothing worth celebrating or even linked to winning anything. Rather investigate why again they are failing to deliver on anything! Action4SA Our_DA VFPlus