ANKARA, Turkey—Turkey’s two-decade-long project to become a weapons-manufacturing powerhouse is starting to pay off for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.Ukraine’s battle against the Russian invasion
and are transforming conflicts around the world. A new crop of Turkish companies is exporting helicopters to the Philippines, a naval corvette to Pakistan, and armored vehicles to Kenya. Turkey has built up its navy to compete with its rival Greece, and is selling patrol boats to 10 different countries.
昔と違い、ドローンの時代に変わってきたな。 これからの時代、ドローンを制するものが世界を制するのかもしれない。
My map collage: the only one people need to see to know why Ukraine is kicking Russia's ass and badly
The USA became a black mark in the history of humanity by dropping an atomic bomb years ago, Turkey is building SİHAs and UAVs to protect itself.
Vous voulez dire la grande masse de drone qui ce sont retrouvés en mille morceaux sur le sol au point de gêner le fabriquant ?
Another dictatorship with strong arms capability- not a great step forward for humanity
Help from one mad dictator to counter the danger from another...
IBelieveMuhammadQasim March 3, 2017 - Plans to overthrow Turkey and help from Russia. Fact I: August 12, 2018 - President Erdogan declared Turkey the target of an economic war between America and other countries. more at
Oh great let’s bring back the Ottoman Empire and human slavery 🙄 What a great idea! Ask the Greeks how that works out! American politics have failed! We need a change of course badly! We enable the biggest cutthroats and destroy civilized countries. Sickening