“Well, as you might have heard at some point recently, I now stand before you, seeking a bigger yet similar job.”
“The door is ajar. Together, let us open it so that we may cross over to the better side and secure for this beloved nation its finer destiny. “But they wage this battle not as enemies. They must stand as inseparable allies combating the mutual enemies of scarcity, underdevelopment, joblessness and the fear these bad things breed.“I ask your help as the task ahead is doable but also difficult,” he added.
These, he said include reviving dead industries, promote agriculture, provide power, produce and use made in Nigeria goods, build infrastructure and most importantly improve the country’s security. “We commend the work of prior administrations, especially the present government. This government has performed with patriotism and commitment during trying times.
Double-digit Drugs-Couriering.
You're part of this regime! Where are those your economic ingenuity in a regime you midwife & a reliable voice? Besides, you have NEVER condemned any of the economic policies that bestowed 'Poverty Hqr of the World' on us - within the last 7 years!
If there is such a moment we need a smart, clever and more proactive manager in the country is now.Let the Youth arise, let Nigerians arise!ProfChrisImumolen is that new Manager who has demonstrated capacity, sagacity, competency, credibility privately.VoteACCORDpartyVoteACCORD
Congratulations our dearest Asiwaju for successfully hosting the Organized Private Sector to this unique interactive session in Lagos. It can be more impactful it is hosted in the other Five Geo Political Zones
My vote is NOT for unpatriotic leaders My vote is NOT for self centered leaders, My vote is NOT for wicked leaders, I will NOT mortgage my destiny for peanut. My vote is for ACCORD (A) party, My vote is for CHRISTOPHER, My vote must count, I will voteACCORDingly,
BAT, for how long shall you continue to battle for power with the YOUTH you told years ago that they are the LEADERS of tomorrow? Sorry ABAT How long shall you continue to BRAINWASH Nigerians with EMPTY promises. It's YOUTH O' CLOCK OUR MUMU DON DO We are for ACCORDparty
My vote is NOT for unpatriotic leaders My vote is NOT for self centered leaders, My vote is NOT for wicked leaders, I will NOT mortgage my destiny for peanut. My vote is for ACCORD (A) party, My vote is for CHRISTOPHER, My vote must count, I will voteACCORDingly, PCI2023
BAT, for how long shall you continue to battle for power with the YOUTH you told years ago that they are the LEADERS of tomorrow? For how long shall you continue to BRAINWASH Nigerians with EMPTY promises. It's YOUTH O' CLOCK OUR MUMU DON DO We are for ACCORDparty
VoteAccordinly PCI2023 DrChrisMolenIsComing
HEALTHY and WISE PEOPLE should NOT vote UNHEALTHY LEADERS into positions. DON'T use your hand to bring HARDSHIP HUNGER, PAINS & SUFFERING to yourself again Vote a leader with great passion and value for the people. Vote CHRISTOPHER IMUMOLEN Vote ACCORD (A) party VoteAccordingly
A SICK MAN can NOT rule a SICK country, A man whose STRENGTH and CAREER is DECLINING can not revamp a dying economy, UNPATRIOCTIC LEADERS should NOT be voted into power again, HEALTHY and WISE PEOPLE should NOT vote UNHEALTHY LEADERS into positions. Prof Imumolen we want.
DON'T use your hand to bring HARDSHIP, HUNGER, PAINS & SUFFERING to yourself again for another 4 to 8 Years. Vote a leader with great passion and value for the people. Vote CHRISTOPHER IMUMOLEN Vote ACCORD (A) party VoteACCORDingly
A SICK MAN can NOT rule a SICK country, A man whose STRENGTH and CAREER is DECLINING can not revamp a dying economy, UNPATRIOCTIC LEADERS should NOT be voted into power again, HEALTHY and WISE PEOPLE should NOT vote UNHEALTHY LEADERS into positions. VOTEACCORDINGLY
Unbelievable! I'll sooner believe that sheep can fly before believing the words of someone who thinks just because he did some good things in his hay day can do something now when he is old and sickly...That's total crap. No offense Elder let the Youth take control it's important
They want to give us same lies In different language, Our mumu Don do Prof Chris Imumolen is here DrChrisIsComing Youth VoteACCORDingly PCI2023
If there is such a moment we need a smart, clever and more proactive manager in the country is now. Let the Youth arise, let Nigerians arise! Prof Christopher Imumolen is that new Manager who has demonstrated capacity, credibility privately VoteACCORDparty ProfChrisIsComing
If there is such a moment we need a smart, clever and more proactive manager in the country is now. Let the Youth arise, let Nigerians arise! Prof Christopher Imumolen is that new Manager who has demonstrated capacity, sagacity, competency, credibility privately VoteACCORDiny
To keep DRUMMING SUPPORT for those who are part of the people that caused the PROBLEMS we are in currently in NIGERIA is to keep SIGNING for another YEARS OF PAINS AND AGONY. Yes! Think about this again. OURMUMU DON DO. SwitchToProfChris VoteACCORDingly
Why haven't Nigeria hit same digits under your predecessor whom you helped install ? Funny how people are campaigning for this man, shame on anyone in this man's corner.
Double digit increase or decrease, be specific. We cannot repeat the same mistake of 'change' slogan
APC group will write a statement and attribute it to Tinubu, Tinubu that can no longer make a sensible statement on his own.
Who cares 😴?