\nAs if The Chadster wasn't already having the worst week ever, he just learned the most upsetting news. Tony Khan has signed Jeff Jarrett, not just as an in-ring performer, but in a high-profile backstage role. Auughh man! So unfair!\n\nJarrett debuted on AEW Dynamite last night by hitting Darby Allin with a guitar after his match with Jay Lethal. But Double J won't be sticking to just in-ring competition.
com\/CSncHam8U0\n— Tony Khan November 3, 2022\n\nAnd here's how Jeff Jarrett responded:\n\nReally looking forward to things to come — both in front of 🎸and behind the 🎥 camera…#AEW #AEWDynamite #AEWRampage #AEWDark #AEWDarkElevation #AEWFullGear https:\/\/t.co\/CmY8PkKG7U\n— Jeff Jarrett November 3, 2022\n\nSo not only does Tony Khan signing Jeff Jarrett show that he has no respect for WWE, but it also shows that he is willing to stoop to any level to try to sabotage WWE.