. You might expect her new handbags to have the same easy-chic appeal. But rather than offering a classic tote or an everyday satchel, Lotan is leaning into luxury. “I tend to answer to my own needs, and this is what I was looking for,” she says. “I was never able to find an evening bag that I like.
Lotan launched menswear earlier this year. “I treated men’s the same way I’ve treated women’s,” she says, “thinking about a man and what he needs, and how to build a wardrobe for a man rather than just saying, ‘okay, I think this is what’s missing in the market.’” In fact, Lotan does not really look around at what other designers are doing, she prefers to be intuitive with what she offers. “Clearly I’m doing a good job with the woman, so I want to do the same thing with the man.
Lotan does all her social media herself, too, so she’s the one replying to customers’ direct messages about how to style her pieces, or why their order hasn’t arrived. “What I have to offer is me; my style, my taste, my experience, all of my learnings from the 22 years I worked for other people. I’m here to give just that, that’s my mission here.”