“It’s the highest number for this period in the past 10 years, and a horrific average,” Farha said.
A Victoria police spokesperson said it had observed a consistent spike in family violence callouts during the end of the year, with “clear increases” on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. There were 8,796 offences in the most recent summer period and 3,109 in December alone, compared with 7,376 throughout winter.
“I want us to get to Christmas without any more women being killed. For those families, it’s their first Christmas without their loved ones.” “It all accumulates to cause more violence by men … Christmas is the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
Thousands of Australian women have been killed by Covid-19 this year. Do we demand a 'serious investment in prevention' like wearing masks and keeping distance at events and shops? CovidIsNotOver WearAMask
'Moody’s database has registered 55 deaths of women and children this year, including 11 in the past three weeks.' No mention of male victims during the same time period (on average, it's twice as much in Australia). including_women
The ABS records there were 193 people murdered in Australia in 2021. That's 193 people too many, but the 2021 census counted 25,422,788 people in Australia. Do the maths. The type of person who commits murder is a minuscule fraction of the population.
What is the trend in the last 100 years?
. What percentage of health research funding in 2023 is allocated to addressing social determinants of physical and mental health? Which software is provided to GPs for assessing if the patient has healthy, safe and affordable housing? .
“Horrific” - decade-high number of men have killed women in December demands ‘serious investment’ in prevention