LONDON - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faced criticism on Saturday for seeming out of touch with ordinary people when he asked a homeless man at a charity whether he “worked in business” and wanted to get into the finance industry., was serving breakfast at a homeless shelter in London on Friday, when he began chatting with a man who identified himself as Dean.
“Do you work in business?“ the prime minister asks the man at one point during the conversation, as he hands him a plate of sausages, toast and eggs.Angela Rayner, deputy leader of the opposition Labour Party, posted a clip of the exchange on Twitter, calling it “excruciating,” while another Labour lawmaker, Bill Esterson, called Sunak “out of touch”.
His awkward exchange with the homeless man began when the man asks Sunak if he’s “sorting the economy out”. When the homeless man then says he is interested in business and finance, Sunak replies that he used to work in finance too, before asking: “Is that something you would like to get into?“REUTERS
HOBO is not in the vocabulary of the rich
If there are gold diggers, surely there are also gold spooners.
He’s a WEF puppet
straits_times When you are rich and filled with cash, you will look down on others. It now depends on how well you want to hide that truth and this man clearly doesn’t really do a good job hiding that fact.
Judging frm the way he ask, i can figure out how people live... Brou up... Educated... May i use such words... Inconsiderate n selfish.
straits_times Can’t really blame Rishi. He hardly met poor & homeless folks all his life. 😂😂😂