Andrew Tate taunted Greta Thunberg. Some say her response was 'iconic,' others think she body-shamed him.Greta Thunberg's dig against Andrew Tate quickly went viral on Wednesday. The climate activist tweeted back making a joke about"small dick energy.
"For more stories, go toGretaThunberg white western privileged snowflake. Why does she get a pass because she claims to have some tick box syndrome. She has no manners. Full stop.
This news site used to be the epitome of business journalism. We need another paper. FastCompanySA is doing a good job but their writing is most of the time repetitive & uninspiring. On the other hand, your stuff is just simply drivel these days! Get it together people!
Small dick energy has nothing to do with having a small dick 🙃
And we laughed and laughed and laughed!