Money is a sticking point in climate-change negotiations around the world. As economists warn that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius will cost many more trillions than anticipated, WSJ looks at how the funds could be spent, and who would pay.
Illustration: Preston Jessee/WSJWind and solar developers are concocting elaborate plans to provide round-the-clock renewable power, the industry’s holy grail as countries around the worldRenewable energy is notoriously unreliable, generating electricity only when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining.
klimek_nancy A 24 hour/365 days a year/unlimited years subsidy and tax credit money source.
So much potential
Looks like he’s doing a good job
Green energy should be called Black Energy for all the blackouts it will cause.
See how it works but make the products here. As much money as we waste, we should be able to compete with China for our own energy production and secrets. The issue becomes politicians not willing to curb their needless pork spending. notlikely
Fine. Do it without tax dollars.
You guys have been trying to go solar since I was a kid and I'm 62. It hasn't worked yet and it's not going to.
Why exactly are we pushing wind and solar if we still don't know how to use them reliably? Especially when nuclear power is reliable, tested, carbon free, and awesome in general.
More like they're trying to repaint bad investments as building a bridge to nowhere..........................
What kinda Fox News horrible headline is that?
Good luck lol
Wow! Using sophisticated software to build wind and solar farms capable of producing as much as three times the amount of power! windenergy solarpower Environment renewableenergy
21st century alchemy. Turing diffuse intermittents into reliable, affordable energy at increasing scale is as likely as turning lead into gold. The zeal of pursuit by practitioners is also as disturbingly fervent.
Good luck. Sounds like wishful thinking.
solar could only supplement my gas and electric use. Zero energy homes are now being built that consume less energy and have a combination of wind, solar and geo to produce all the homes energy need. bring it on!
Intermittent energy takes up too much space. To up it to continuous you need too many batteries taking up too much space. The result, Green Lost. energy environment
The key word here is “trying.”
And it’s an epic fail…next source
Not going to happen with solar and wind. Just embrace nuclear already and leave solar/wind as secondary sources of energy.
They should find alternative energy sources that aren't made in China.
It’s called nuclear.