to share their own job interview horror stories, and...yikes, these are bad. Here are 15 of the very worst ones:"I had an interview at a job that didn't have an address. They proceeded to give me very complicated instructions, like, 'Turn left when you see the green building.' I got lost multiple times getting there and ended up being over an hour late. During the interview, I asked how they got mail delivered, and they said they didn't receive mail.
I still interviewed with her and made it through the rest of the week, but I really wish I’d been brave enough to say something.""I had two companies interview me in the same week. As I was pulling up to an interview at the second company , I got a call from the other place saying I'd gotten the job. YAY! I figured I would follow through and tell the interviewer that I had accepted another position, thank you, etc.
Then he asked me to show him my boobs. WTF? When I just stared at him wondering if I'd really heard him correctly, he doubled down by repeating that 'presentation is everything' and he wants all his ‘girls’ to be beautiful and hot.""I was interviewing for a new job, and they asked why I'd left my old one. I explained that the place I'd been working at closed because of legal issues I had no part in.
But instead of the teachers/principals that interviewed me being understanding or sympathetic because I was in training, they laughed in my face. After this, I have always recorded my job interviews. I have thankfully never had an issue like this again, and every interview since, I've always interviewed in an open area.""I had an interview where the dude was literally like, 'We said $30 on the posting because that's what we used to pay, but we've realized that with the economy as it is, we can get great applicants anyway, so we're only paying $15.
Wow...discrimination for a hormone problem. Unbelievable