you can share now that you don't work there?” And personally, I'm fascinated by some of the responses. Here's what people said."I used to work surveillance at a casino. From something, like, three stories high, we could zoom in on money on the table games and read the serial numbers of the bills. We could see the pips on dice. The policy was to not look down women's blouses.""McDonald's here. Sandwiches with a round egg use real, cracked eggs.
Where it’s turned from sap to syrup determines the state it comes from, not the actual location of the trees.""I worked at a [drugstore] makeup company. The cosmetics from that brand and another high-end luxury brand under the same parent company are practically the same. Even so, the high-end products sell for much more.""After working for a large hotel chain, I would tell you that if a hotel has carpet, don’t touch it with your bare feet.