A shortage of "competent" finance staff has been raised as a major concern remaining at Nottingham City Council in the latest report to the Government on the authority. The council has just avoided commissioners being sent in as Government oversight continues on the improvements being made after issues including the misspend of £40 million and the collapse of Robin Hood Energy.
Business of the council can be "frustrated or compromised" The latest IAB report says a new constitution adopted at Nottingham City Council has addressed the "principal shortcomings" in the way it is governed. It also highlights one particular policy change, which means that council officers can now make decisions worth up to £250,000, where previously this level was £50,000.
"Risk is also a basic discipline in all decision-making. Given the recent history of Nottingham it is vital that there is no relaxation in this approach." Amount of competent finance staff remains "major concern" The IAB says ensuring the council has a "sound and competent cadre" of finance staff remains a "major concern". It says: "Mainly due to external conditions but also partly due to a pay policy that is not fit for purpose, the council has struggled to fill key finance posts with permanent staff."
Is there a link to the full report?