Sergey Vasylchuk, the chief executive officer of staking provider Everstake, said the company is continuing to move forward despite the continuing military conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
Vasylchuk said prior to Feb. 24, he had been making preparations to mitigate the risk to Everstake and its employees, but still said there were months when many peoplewere not able to work for different reasons. The Everstake CEO said he felt responsible for the livelihood of roughly 300 people: roughly 100 workers and their families.
Aid for Ukraine in March 2022. The website reported more than $60 million in crypto and fiat contributions, going toward initiatives including military equipment, medical gear, and humanitarian projects. According to the CEO, many of the Everstake employees continued to work from emergency shelters at various points throughout the last 12 months, facing noise from nearby explosions, loss of electrical power, and adjusting to the new “normal”: