. Here he tells us more about his day-to-day, how he destresses after a long week and the accomplishments he’s most proud of.For as long as I can remember I wanted to be an entrepreneur so it was non-negotiable that I would go down this path. I really looked up to aunts and uncles of mine that spent years building businesses and wanted to follow in their footsteps. I saw how hard they worked but also how they got to enjoy the fruits of their labours.
. While my course wasn’t directly related to what I’m doing now, I felt like I was really set up for the world of work with the unique mixture of practical and academic education.I feel lucky to have had the work experience I did at such a young age. If I had to choose I think the most formative was my first internship with Le Meridien Grand Hotel in Nuremberg, Germany. I was thrown into a new country, culture and language on my own at 19 and had to adapt really quickly.
extremely routinised! I train every morning next to our office in Stoneybatter and am at my desk to start the day at 8am. I put a few thoughts down in a journal and review my calendar for the day before doing 15 minutes of email and slack triage. Then it’s down to work on my priorities for a couple of hours.a plan.
am in the office alone. The team prefers to work remotely four days a week and we all meet in the office on Wednesdays. Personally, I prefer to get out of my flat so I head in every day.8am usually. I used to hate the mornings but over the years I’ve become a real morning person, much to the dismay of my other half who is very much not.make myself a cup of tea. I drink Guayusa by an Irish brand called Nu Infusions as a replacement for coffee – it keeps me sharp and I don’t crash or get anxiety.