Designed as a primetime reality show, “El pueblo” has been structured as a social experiment, charting five families’ attempt to settle in an abandoned village, guided by the principles of sustainability and globally connected self-sufficiency.
“We believe the format is closely linked to the needs, concerns and demands of the citizens of Western society in the 21st century. It marks an experiment aimed at making society aware that it is possible to live in another way, giving nature back the importance it deserves,” he added. Mediacrest executives attending MipTV will explain for the first time to the international market the mechanics of “El Pueblo,” whose foreign versions, also scheduled to be lensed in an abandoned town in Spain, will host contestants fighting to make it the ideal place to start a new life in the country.
“Establishing these 12 seasons of ‘El Cazador’ implies not only consolidating the project but also giving guarantees to other TV operators that we are capable of producing quality entertainment with good audiences,” Domenjó explained.