Another reason you want peaking plants to run rarely is that they use more gas and – unless fitted with carbon capture, which sharply increases the LCOE – emit more carbon dioxide than combined cycle gas plants.
Exports mostly go to Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, China and India. The Net Zero Australia modelling assumes China and India will continue to track 10 to 20 years behind developed economies in their transition to net zero. Even so, if there are many moreAsia’s resolve may get stiffen. Apart from the next few years, under most scenarios modelled by New Zero Australia gas consumption in the electricity market falls sharply.– because these are based on much longer lifespans than some projects may experience in practice. It even calls into question the need for new gas projects for the domestic market beyond the mid-2020s.Of course, this depends on many variables and the gas companies can make a case for their product being essential in the short to medium term.