You once described your campaigns as gruesome. Hhmmm. Indeed, but that’s nothing, compared to the work you have just signed up to. The difference is that while the campaigns road shows were tiring and energy sapping, this, will be exhaustive and brain storming. You CANNOT back off. Not that it’s too late, but because you were not brought up like that, your pedigree won’t allow it. So from where you are coming from, from your antecedent, you dare not fail or falter.
Gladly you are not a joker, you have never been, so don’t take the task ahead for a joke, not even for a second. Politics ended at the polls, now is the work time. Forget the shenanigans of sharing of offices because none of those jostling for positions know how the shoe pinches. Believe me Sir, they are all wearing different sizes of shoes and most of them are just for mere fashion. Yours are not.
I don’t believe you must hit the ground running Sir. That will be too slow for today’s Nigeria. You must come out flying , Your Excellency. Hitting the ground has the tendency to incapacitate and could delay the running Sir, please don’t hit the ground, it could be dangerous, just fly out and make sure you have in your company, very competent flight attendants.