” growth of electric car sales — a reminder that technology can move in ways investors don’t expect.
In the early 1980s, when the US telephone giant, AT&T, asked consultants at McKinsey to predict how many cell phones would be in use worldwide by the turn of the century, it was told the total market would be about 900,000. But 900,000 new subscribers were joining mobile phone services every threeThis story is instructive. Oil company leaders could use it to try to persuade shareholders of the need to shift. Alas, too many are doing the opposite.
Some run firms that lobbied for years against cutting emissions they knew were harmful, on the grounds this would hit the world’s poorest hardest. “What good is it to save the planet if humanity suffers?” Exxon’s former chief executive, Rex Tillerson, memorablyTillerson’s tactics live on.
This would be the same Pakistan that is still recovering from devastating floods caused by massive rainfalls last year,Yet Sawan’s comments are helpful. They serve to distinguish Shell from other oil and gas companies that appear to take climate change more seriously, such as BP.some shareholders this year by deciding to slow the pace at which it lowers its oil and gas output this decade.