Background check firm Garbo has announced that it will be shuttering its consumer-facing business at the end of August.Garbo will continue its work to fight gender based violence as a non-profit organisation.background checks on matches facilitated by Garbo
The decision comes after Garbo ended its partnership with Match Group, a partnership that was cemented in 2021. That cement, however, has cracked badly since that partnership was signed. Match Group, the company that owns Tinder, Hinge, Match, OkCupid and other dating platforms, refutes this statement.
“The costs for performing searches are rising, and in some places, are used as a revenue source. There’s also no uniform standards for reporting the information we really need for proper and consistent records. And there’s a disturbing trend of bad actors undermining the criminal justice and public record systems by utilizing loopholes and sealing/expunging their records of gender-based violence and other serious harms while threatening Garbo and other organizations,” Kosmides explains.