Five years ago, I was living at home with my mom in Rochester, New York and making $17 an hour a managerial position.. I used $10,000 of my savings to pay for a snack machine, a beverage machine, two credit card readers, food and drink products, and any delivery fees.
Taylor Swift concert film draws $2.8 million from last-minute previews as theaters prepare for big opening weekend In 2022, we placed machines in offices that are open 24/7, with anywhere from 400 to 700 employees there every day. Some of these locations have produced up to five-figure months for us. Had we stuck with them, it would have taken roughly five years to break even. My best advice is to not be afraid to admit you were wrong, and move quickly once it's clear your investment could be used for better options.This year, one of my top priorities is obtaining vending locations for each one of my employees. I want to help them start their own vending machine business.