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JohnKasich usatodayopinion Not dealing with climate change in a big way will cost MORE money and lives... maybe our future.
usatodayopinion Thank you JohnKasich for supporting climatechange action. Market forces you mention are an important part of the fight. US Dept of Labor shows 2 fastest growing jobs in US are solar installation & wind techs by large margin. Going green can be $$ but bold action needed now.
JohnKasich usatodayopinion Man that sounds awesome. So, what’s the plan John. Or are you being purposefully obtuse so that you can again flip flop w ur DNC CNN buddies?
JohnKasich usatodayopinion Run John... Tun 🤒
usatodayopinion Once in a while he makes an honest statement.
JohnKasich usatodayopinion JohnKasich time for you to primary Potus!
JohnKasich usatodayopinion Tell that to foreign countries that pollute and will not participate in meaningful changes like China, India, Taiwan, etc... Climate Change is a HOAX to gain more money & government control that's all! Why do so many want to immigrate to the U.S.? Not because of our air is dirty!
usatodayopinion There is no such thing as free markets, except for maybe all the bad free trade deals made by us. Just say no to free trade like our forefathers wanted.
usatodayopinion Go sell that to China and India first. They do WAY more damage then we do and we have CUT our emissions over the last decade. Moderate liberals and independents who are liberal leaning will not get a moderate. They will get an extremist candidate end of story.
JohnKasich usatodayopinion Stop talking and run
usatodayopinion OH yeah. He is so popular. NOT!
usatodayopinion Kasich = moron jackass
JohnKasich usatodayopinion Please go away
usatodayopinion Forget John Kasich.
JohnKasich usatodayopinion Run Kasich Run
usatodayopinion Just ask Trump, as we seem to have the best employment numbers in History and wages are on the rise. All you have to do is look to the WHite House for better understanding. Scary that you've been in office for a long time and it sounds like you don't know who knows there stuff.
usatodayopinion Free market capitalism and personal choice are what got us into this climate crisis in the first place. It makes no sense to try to solve the problem by using the strategies that caused the problem.
usatodayopinion Is he kidding? Free market capitalism is most of why we are in this mess. Human greed, human error and obviously some people would rather die with a wad of cash in their pockets and fck the rest of us and the environment.
usatodayopinion Please run for President! johnkasich2020
usatodayopinion Do we need a New, New Grean Deal?
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