If you're facing the choice between paying your credit cards on time and covering other expenses, making a decision can be stressful. But, it may help to know that help could be on the horizon — and that help could come from a surprising place.Credit card companies will often have programs in place or other ways to help their customers repay what they owe on their cards.
So, if you're struggling to find the money in your budget to pay your credit cards, here's how your credit card company may be willing to help you out. Find out how a debt relief service could help you today. 3 ways your credit card company can help you cut your debtCredit card companies may be willing to help you when you're facing insurmountable credit card debt. Here are three ways credit card companies can help in these cases: Credit card debt forgivenessCredit card companies would typically rather receive a portion of what you owe than no payment at all. In turn, your card company may be willing to forgive part of your card balanc