If you’re a founder or entrepreneur, you’ve probably heard a lot about manifestation - the process of bringing something into reality through thought, belief, and action. Views of the topic have reached well into the billions on TikTok and in 2020, Google searches of the term ‘manifestation’ went up.
This led to a “deep dive” into who she was, which, in turn, led to a divorce. “I had to realize why I was so emotionally cut off from life. Why I could be successful, but never felt fulfilled,” she says. “I was always chasing what was next, like a drug. No success ever felt like I was there. It was never enough and I could never celebrate my success or achievements.”
The Ladoga Was The Soviet Union s Plush Nuclear War Command Vehicle A Drone Just Blew One Up In Eastern Ukraine This isn’t about believing in manifestation, but being able to pinpoint where you might be subconsciously sabotaging your own success. Here, Shamina shares some of the most common signs of not being able to receive and what to do about it.In a culture that praises relentless work ethic, Shamina sees lots of female entrepreneurs prioritizing constant action over allowing opportunities to come to them naturally.
Shamina believes that self worth sets our standards of what we are willing to accept or not, so working on raising this will allow you to receive more. Needing to know everything, Shamina says, actually stops you from taking other opportunities or being open to hearing of another way to solve an issue.