Aldi’s Mamia formula costs €8.99 and is the only private label formula available on the market in Ireland. Photograph: Anthony Devlin/PA WireThe reintroduction of a own-brand infant formula to the Irish market five years after it was discontinued has been welcomed as a measure which could ease the financial pressure on many families.’s Mamia formula costs €8.99 or up to €7.
Ms Moynihan has been vocal about the cost of infant formula in recent months and she noted that since she first highlighted the issue, there had been two price reductions by supermarkets. “That means they obviously have the ability to respond,” she said. Ms Moynihan had a comparative price analysis done on infant formula by the Parliamentary Budget Office which put formula price inflation at 30 per cent from January 2020 to December 2023 compared with an inflation rate of 10 per cent less for groceries more broadly.