Already a subscriber?Property developers Stockland said new home sales jumped 18 per cent in the three months to March from a year earlier. New inquiries were up “strongly” even as it said the trajectory of interest rates and the key Victorian market held the key to any further improvement in its residential business.
The company narrowed its settlement guidance for the year to 5300-5500 homes from the 5200-5600 range it, but cautioned that the outlook was subject to any material change in market conditions. , rather than down – has cast a new cloud over a national housing market that was showing some signs of recovery., and be the first of as many as three, according to independent economist Warren Hogan – could throw out housing market expectations for many individual buyers, as well as the country’s largest developers.
Improvements in the established housing market supported sales of homes at the company’s land lease communities business, which sells dwellings to downsizing over-55s who pay rent for the land their home sits on.“In land lease communities, net sales volumes of 104 homes and strong enquiries in 3Q24 reflected the launch of five new communities over the financial year-to-date and support from improvements in the established housing market,” the company said.