An Indigenous tourism company showing guests culture on Mandingalbay Yidinji country has been honoured at the Queensland Reconciliation Awards.Other organisations celebrated at the awards included the Mount Isa Rodeo and the nation's first memorial to Indigenous warriors who fought on the colonial frontline.
"Country belongs to us and we belong to it," explained Dale Mundraby, operations manager at the Mandingalbay Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation. "We want to make a social impact and smash the welfare cycle, having self-independence and autonomy through delivering a cultural experience on country," Mr Mundraby said.
This year's Reconciliation Week is the first since October's failed referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.The Butchulla Men's Business Aboriginal Association was recognised at the awards ceremony for its memorial dedicated to the Butchulla warriors who defended their country in the Frontier Wars during colonisation.
"We've positively influenced quite a number of young boys who've given up their social media stuff and joined the army, gone to boxing, or come down to Ravens Hill and do stuff with us men and go fishing."Abergowrie State School in North Queensland, which partnered with Warrgamay traditional owners to establish a native bush tucker garden and introduce Warrgamay language into its curriculum, won the education award.