Tshepo 1Million is an online youth empowerment initiative convened by the Gauteng government to break down barriers to participation in the economy. It provides hope to unemployed youth through the facilitation of skills, job opportunities and entrepreneurship.
For those without means to access the internet, activation teams will be stationed in various locations around communities such as schools and community halls. Certain libraries, government offices and NGO sites will also have special Tshepo 1Million kiosks, where people can use the mobisites to starts their journey with the programme.
The initiative will also provide dedicated people under 35 with free training for the K53 driver’s licence. “If you don’t know how to drive, you can’t get a job because the majority of jobs require you to move from one area to another,” he said. Young people who qualify for higher education after matric will be eligible for bursaries. The initiative also has at its disposal the Second Chance programme that will help school dropouts finish their matric and will pay for examination fees.