Schlosstein points out that during Trump's presidency, antitrust regulation was applied inconsistently. Although antitrust principles are supposed to be"moored in the law," enforcement during Trump's tenure seemed to be influenced by his own personal preferences.
Uh And it was, I was an economist on the joint economic Committee and the staff director had this lecture that he gave to, you know, wise ass, smart whipper, snapper kids. You know, so you had this contesting of the time war att merger, which there was absolutely no basis to contest it and of course, the court threw it out.
Trump followers were in a tizzy after the former vice president thanked Biden for "putting the interests of our Nation ahead of his own" by ending his campaign.Varo! Nämä ruoat ovat kiellettyjä koiriltasiWhile other candidates trail Donald Trump in polls, the former first lady leads by double digits.