JUNE 3 was the centenary of the death of my favorite classic writer Franz Kafka. This column is about the two books that, while not about business, are the ones that I now look back on and had the most profound lessons about business for me. They are Kafka's 'The Trial' and Samuel Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot.' Let me start by saying that they are not happy or inspirational books about success or successful people. In fact, they're the opposite.
I have had both successes and challenges in my career. I am happy I have had more success than many and perhaps more than I may deserve as I worked hard for them. Yet, when recalling my difficult times and in small ways the challenges that never end, and they certainly have not for me, 'The Trial' set it forth so clearly to me. I may have finally understood it when I reread it about 10 years ago.