The federal government will seek to reset relations with unions and business after revelations of bikie infiltration of the CFMEU.A meeting to hit the reset button after the CFMEU scandal will be held between unions, government and business next month, as the workplace relations minister seeks to quiet weeks of conflict in the construction sector.
"The construction sector, like many others, works best when government, employers and workers are all on the same page."Parts of the union have warred with the government since its decision to force the CMFEU to accept an administrator — with sacked union bosses accusing the government of betraying a group with close ties to Labor.
"Workplace cooperation is delivering for workers and business in other sectors. There is no reason it can't happen in the construction sector too," he said.Meanwhile, construction union administrator Mark Irving has responded to findings that outlaw motorcycle gangs are still influential within the CFMEU.
He said an anonymous whistleblower service had been established within the administration and a separate integrity unit that could investigate "the mounting number of allegations" would also be established.