Asking for help can be the best first step.I work in cybersecurity with colleagues I love. But passion for my job is waning. I know I have options; however, I’m feeling very “meh” in this stage of my life, and it feels hard to move forward. My only major financial responsibility is a mortgage. I’ve been to my doctor, mental health professionals, EAP for depression and anxiety, and have tried to rebuild by setting small achievable goals. I’m looking for inspiration to get my mojo back.
I’m a middle manager in a large consulting firm. Recently, our team leader left the business and was replaced by a new leader who is I don’t know how to address this and fear recriminations if I report her behaviour. She was selected by one of our senior leaders and I suspect they won’t admit they made a mistake.This is all going to come to a head, eventually. If your team performance declines, and the new leader is rude to people, it is going to get back to senior leadership.