You're on the list! Expect to receive your first email very soon!and more than 4.7 million worked remotely at least half of the time. Yet not all employers are so understanding when it comes to letting their workers do the job remotely.
“How much time off may depend on which family member it was, for example, a parent or child vs. sibling,” Carnachan explains. “Given that it was the mother and they worked in a financial institution, I assume PTO was provided although it may have only been a few days.” “In addition, some states have leave laws that go beyond FMLA. While FMLA protects an employee from losing employment under specific conditions, it is unpaid leave. The employee may use their PTO while on FMLA or the employer may require it be used.”The author emphasized how they had worked from home in the past and couldn’t understand why the company wouldn’t let them do it again in time of need.