.” The views of the IIF are important. It is the global association of the financial industry, with about 400 members from more than 60 countries. “Its mission is to support the financial industry in the prudent management of risks; to develop sound industry practices; and to advocate for regulatory, financial and economic policies that are in the broad interests of its members and foster global financial stability and sustainable economic growth.
2. Ensuring that financial sector policy remains risk-based, and that it is not used as a substitute for broader net-zero policy measuresThis is a seminal report, and I couldn’t agree with it more. With respect to the IIR’s point about the “conflation of financial sector activities to support the transition with climate-related financial risk” I’veabout this problem.
To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.”