Writer-director Caroline Lindy makes her feature film directorial debut with 2024's Your Monster, an original project that blends horror, comedy, and romance. The genre-defying movie follows a young aspiring actor named Laura Franco, whose recent injury has waylaid her Broadway dreams, and whose heart is shattered after her boyfriend broke up with her while she was in the hospital and went on to stage a play they worked on together.
✕ Remove Ads ScreenRant interviewed Barrera and Dewey about how they connected to their characters in Your Monster, what the prosthetics did for the movie, and which scenes stood out most in their minds. But also, it was very easy for me to connect with Laura because I'm also a musical theater nerd. It's also my dream to be on Broadway, and literally one of the first lines in the script, Laura says it's her dream when Jacob offers her the role. She's like,"This has been my dream for so long." And so, immediately, I was like,"I know who this person is."
I think to get really nerdy and actor-y, if Monster is playing an action, it is to heal her. Sometimes that's tough love; sometimes that's crying with her — whatever it ends up being. Melissa Barrera: Oh my God, that oner. That long scene after the Halloween party out in the park; that was a long scene. It was negative something degrees Celsius. I don't know what Fahrenheit would be.Melissa Barrera: Negative on both scales. It was freezing. It was raining! We didn't know that we had a certain amount of time because of the permits of the park or whatever. There was a football game that had happened...