CHOP AWAY! Hardworking, everyday Americans will not be scared into bailing out a bunch of speculating, degenerate gamblers who lost in their own casino. Sorry, but not this time around. They're going down with their ship. The USS America will stay the course and be just fine.
ok ok
It's Trump's fault it is irrefutable e undeniably Trump's fault Merry Christmas The GOP from top to bottom are his accomplices. GOP are Trump's accomplices. Those that defend GOP are your enemy. New year's resolution resist fight back don't support don't agree Happy New year!!!
TheMarketStorm Good thing AAbAA is there to make a 400 year fast leap
So. Much. Winning...............
Wall Street is taking money at Christmas 🎄
Time to find a window....(to soon?)
realDonaldTrump MAGA or MAR(ecession)A ?
Thanks Trump!
Rising intrest rates and failing markets. Dont these two go hand i. Hand? Level out
Please make sure to give all stock market credit to traitor Donald!! He took all the credit for the continuation of obamas market, so now he can show what wonderful things his failed policies bring!
Thanks, realDonaldTrump.
Are we certain the Chinese aren't retaliating because of Trump's trade silly-ness? Other countries trade in our market don't they?
Watching my IRA shrivel up because of DJT. Theisdlw class will be destroyed because of him and that’s exactly what he and his kind (Mercers, Koch, etc) want.
Then they slam the gavel and cheer.... I never did understand that.
Great! It had better go back up.
It's all about the winning!!!!!
Stay strong and face China now on Wall Street or their troops on Main Street. GO TRUMP!
So if this is winning in accordance to Trumpism, is there any chance we could lose alittle. Like when Obama was President?
Let them keep dropping.... eyes need to open
The Fed keeps raising the interest rates. They never did that, during Obama.
Way to go POTUS . So much winning!
Who is Trump blaming for this? You now he only takes undue credit, never responsibility or blame.
ReaIDonnaSiciIy Just as the benefits of BarackObama 's policies weren't felt for a couple of years, I knew it was always a matter of time before this bona fide moron tanked the economy ... nice going MAGAts ...
Recession is already knocking
Is this is winning, what were we doing for the last 8 years?
Sickening to see that Tedy Putin tedlieu “likes” this.
Trump making America great again as in the Great Depression!!
stevelackmeyer Man! My portfolio is really getting tired of all this winning!!
Trade wars are good, I’m a tariffs dude, your politics, you Donald realDonaldTrump should try economics 101 again.
Trump Made A Rookie Mistake, Market Peaked Early Now He'll Deal With A Recession
Go realDonaldTrump...way to destroy USA
So more businesses can buy back their stock followthemoney
Meh. It’s just the wealthy crashing the market so they can buy back their stocks a cheap price. It’ll bounce up after they’ve hoarded a few more trillion dollars
The only change was the elections in November, the markets know what’s to come
So much bigly winning
maga lol Y'all really love being conned don't you?
NormaJTorres Everyone can thank the Federal Reserve for this 🖕
Is this because of the debt wrought by the Trump/Ryan tax scam, the unpredictable 'foreign policy,' or what?
We can thank trump for this. Demented old man.
Putin smiles
mommamia1217 This is trump saying Merry Christmas.
The Fed is to blame.. The mighty 1% of 1%. they rule our lives.
Merry Xmas to all thanks to Donald and his enablers realDonaldTrump GOP SenateGOP HouseGOP
JackiePressley2 FuckTrump
My God! Where are the soup lines going to start?
ppl don't usually stop and notice that 10% down has more impact than 10% up. ...and that effect compounds.
BlissTabitha Well when the feds hike the damn interest rates 7x in the past two years shit like this happens. My 401k is tanking. Mother fuckers
ReaIDonnaSiciIy Hey unfit incompetent realDonaldTrump................................................................
Starting to look like the realDonaldTrump stock chart that was delisted years’s the old stock chart for $TRMP. Look familiar?
Hey donald my 401k is down almost 9%. Since it’s because of your stupid trade war and tax scam, I will send you a bill. The stock market was way better under Obama. realDonaldTrump
Thank you Trump and Pence and the rest of the ideologues
Did you stocks get hammered today?
Get ready
BlissTabitha Kill the Federal Reserve
La la la la. (I’m not listening)
GypsyHeart__ Tell Trump to please stop talking. The more he talks, the more the Dow plunges.
So much winning...MAGAmorons
So the fed raises interest rates and you blame Donald Trump
So much winning.
I, for one, am tired of all this winning. trumpmarkettank
So much Winning
This one is all on the Fed.
This is the 4th time Federal Reserve raises Interest Rates. They are after Trump trying to shut down the economic boom. They never raised interest when Obama was in office.
This is being done on purpose....
S246278910 Thank the soon as they won the house, stocks dropped.
Someone has to take the responsibility of restraining+disempowering the POS moron T today. His malignant narcissism + total incompetence qualify him for removal. Stock market demise ..
globalists are having a hissy fit, pure and simple. They didn't realize Trump meant what he said and would do what he promised after being elected. I didn't want this fight but personally I'm up for it. Institutional investors will stop selling soon, US economy is the only play
Trump’s Economy. Guess he OWNS this too?
Thanks to the Feds for increasing interest rates! This is not on Trump.
A republican in office! What could go wrong? OH! remember '08?
I guess this is Trump’s Merry Christmas to us. Isn’t he just so fucking special.
Thanks Trump and the GOP Congress for your tax cut that’s killing the economy, and Donald for your tariffs and your lack of credibility as president. Merry Christmas too!
'This was going to happen anyway. It was unavoidable....' Will be the new talking point.
It’s tariff up my heart when I’m with you but when we are apart I corporate buyback, tooo
Make America Great Depression Again
No on the wall.
Yes, yes, Orange man bad because he told the FED to raise interest rates. Oh, wait
Whoa, whoa.
This is what happens when you have a Fed Reserve that is accountable to nothing or no one.
The Trump Effect, I believe realDonaldTrump called it.
Carolyny1948 All of U.S. regular people, are flucked again without any lubrication
Omg so much winning 😂
How much Of this has to do with the unstable lunatic we have in the WH? My guess is A LOT.
Good job trump!!!
Have been buying SPY Puts, so much winning!
the compromat is destroying our country. He is the greatest national security threat we have ever faced. Its time for the military to do what they swore, to defend our country from all threats foreign and DOMESTIC.
Are we Great yet or do you have to let the economy completely fall apart first? POTUS maga myassmaga
newsaspect So much winning. For the Russians.
ThanksTrump realDonaldTrump
Could someone please explain the significance of these numbers for me? I know it's bad but i don't understand what it's going to do
TC05131904 So much winning. MAGA realDonaldTrump POTUS
So sick of all this winning. Are you pissed off yet? Because you should be.
BlissTabitha I guess everyone knows things will be going down the toilet once the Democrats take power again.
Fab way to end the year. Not.
Merry Christmas! Great buying opportunity ;)
Thanks a lot realDonaldTrump for hurting so many Americans for your temper tantrum
o well this is what these assholes voted for now deal with it im good
All this DAMN winning!! lmaooo
Make America great again
“Trade wars are easy to win!” After all the credit Trump awarded himself for creating the BOOM will he be awarding himself any of the BLAME?
MsRuthedelaRosa Thank Donald J Trump.
TrumpStockDrop to be followed by TrumpShutdown, and eventually culminating in TrumpRecession - all brought to you by the TrumpCrimeFamily
putin loves it
Nice, time to buy
America? Great! Again?!
Thanks realDonaldTrump POS
All thanks to realDonaldTrump. And combined with the TrumpShutdown, it’s proof Donald does not care about the working class. He doesn’t understand economics or trade wars.
He’s the gasoline in this car. **sputter** **sputter**
So much winning!
Why isn’t realDonaldTrump taking credit for this plunge?
It is predicting a recession in 2 years
Man. What a disaster.
I'm going to guess that this is the start of another recession. A time when we get to realize to what extent tax cuts for the upper crust cost our economy. There are no magic formulas, only hard work will turn this around.
Remember when we said realDonaldTrump was going to yank the economy, and because it didn’t happen the day he took office you were all like, “you snowflakes!” And we were like, let him enact a policy and give it a sec. here ya go. tradewar
JustWhatNowWhy Trump's going to make G W Bush's great recession look like an economic boom.
Market correction? Anticipating assets seized from POTUS emergency orders?
This is what republicans call 'winning', maybe for them but not for us working stiffs
So much winning!!
Trumpanomics at its finest.
It’ll correct. Stop the drama
Going down quicker than Melania does.
realDonaldTrump is losing his fuckn mind
I haven’t heard the orange lying mouth say a word about this
DougCarel At least it's not Vegas. In Vegas, as with brokers, when you win, you still lose.
Thanks realDonaldTrump
So BarackObama you going to take credit too right?
bethieboop62 So sad (
realDonaldTrump any comment on this? You sure like to take credit when the stock market rises, so it's time to take the blame for the fall.
Wall Street IS NOT the economy...!!
dreamerhnl Tariffs
Time to buy
End the Fed
This is what happens when you cut taxes on the wealthy and sell out your country. The orange man needs to go. This is getting ridiculous.
Reflects the Dem's taking back control of House and the Fed Chairman hell bent on wrecking the economy!
So much winning
Means Trump is winning
Really bad news. Not just for “Wall Street” but for “Main Street”. Thank you, Mr. President, for the tariffs and the tax reform. :-(
Look at the Fed not the President. Wake up folks.
realDonaldTrump thanks man
it’s reflective of the current administration
Way to go federalreserve.
Congratulations realDonaldTrump Supporters. All that hard work BarackObama did on the economy is being destroyed by a fat man baby
Stop selling you pansies.
Sad days. This whole 'greatest economy' it's fictional. Economic bubble will burst. Get ready if you're smart.
Obama said the booming economy was because of him. Wonder if he will take credit for this?
It's the war on Christmas causing the decline.
Due to the Unconstitutional Fed!
Bernie supporters: Only the rich benefit from the stock market. So this is good for America. feelthebern Bernie2020
Donnalee711 Trump destabilize the Middle East ..and down it goes !!!
Federal Reserve Privately Owned by People that hate Trump! Kill the Privately Owned Federal Reserve!
Thanks again Trump. My retirement is now delayed by years.
Buy Bitcoin :)
I’ll need a GoFundMe page set up soon...winning
On the bright side, the rate on the top tax bracket was reduced this year.
JonLemire In the words of MichaelAvenatti : BuckleUpButtercup 2stCentSageExtraordinaire
Jesus Christ
The markets love war... Trump announced a withdrawal, to be expected. Also the fed raised rates 4 times in 2 years versus virtually none in Obama years. Coincidence?, I think not.
BREAKING: The news in in. Trump won't sign the stopgate funding bill. The liberal media quickly scrambles to find negative 'cause and effect' stories they can tie to Trump.
Has anyone else noticed that Trump hasn’t tweeted about the stock markets in a while?
JonLemire But the emails?!?!?!
If you take credit for the market rising, you get the blame for it falling.
winning is fun!
How about that rate increase?
ok ok
realDonaldTrump will spin it to make himself look good, “this has been the biggest drop of any presidency! I’m so great
DSchmldt Effing with my retirement!
It’s all Trump’s fault!
Can the country handle all of this 'winning'? ImpeachTrump Thursdaythoughts Mueller TrumpShutdown SenToomey senatemajldr TeamCavuto
Trump’s temper tantrums at work again.
JonLemire Merry Christmas, realDonaldTrump. This economic news pairs nicely with your TrumpShutdown.
Trump: It's not a market decline it's a 'controlled dive'. Everything is going according to plan. MAGA!
Mr Trump sent you proud, stock market s are changing DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN Did Trump sell all his Stock the week before it started going DOWN
Shouldn’t have put Dems in control of the House. Market doesn’t like that
Don’t worry, the middle class will pick up the tab. thiscountryisapyramidscheme
Trump said a president should be impeached if the Dow drops 800 points in 2 days and its already done that and more. I assume impeachment proceedings will begin shortly.
So much winning!
Globalist bankers are losing money? Good.
We're winning so much we're getting tired of it. 🤣
This is not good
Why don't they just raise interest rates one more time before the year is know...we can't have too much of an economic recovery...need to keep the plebs in check.
Someone is going to make some money.
Higher interest rstes just around the corner. But on a good note you can probably pick up some good stock cheap.
But, but, ummmm...but, butbutbutbutbutbutbutbutbutbutbutbutbutbutbut...BUT t-rump!!! 😳🙄😂
Good thing America’s great again, or this might be bad.
It’s almost like having someone who bankrupted four casinos and two hotels is not a good steward of the economy...
But he said the country is booming, on what? Oh yeah booming on hatred, debt, prices, violence, yeah so much for winning
Thanks, Trump voters. We warned you.
Where are all the people supporting Trump by touting their 401k?
Trump said if he is impeached, the market would crash. The market is crashing with him still in office. If we want to save our retirement plans, I say impeach him now. What can it hurt?
So much winning... MerryMAGAChristmas
letitcrash isupportthetrumpshutdown BuildThatWallNOW
and down goes my 401k
RealDonaldTrump Nothing the markets like LESS than a weak, indecisive leader who changes his mind constantly, makes policy based on hurt feelings, and can't recognize a battle he's going to lose regardless. TrumpShutdown
“So much winning. You’ll be tired of winning “ bebest
I wish you a MAGA Christmas.
Jokes on you, I am shorting the S&P index.
Merry xmas!
Everything he touches turns to shit. He's got the fecal touch....
Watching DT?
Will The Big Short 2 come out at the same time as the Social Network 2?
SantaRally is canceled 😐
I knew I shoulda invested in Wall-stock.
Daily reminder for the money moves: 🗣 Trump works for Putin.
Vote for Trump they won't hurt the markets they said...🙄
So much winning.
Bitcoin is up
Thats a pretty limp deek from the GOP
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Mnuchin says market reaction to Fed is 'completely overblown'DOW down 4000 since October, and 2000 since the 'tax cut'... this shut down ought to help! jimcramer is this true? Overblown
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Dow dives 600 points to below 22,000, S&P 500 enters bear market - worst Christmas Eve everToday was the worst Christmas Eve trading day ever. The S&P 500 has entered a bear market, and the Dow closed down more than 640 points. Another record for Trump. MAGA winningatloosing WHAT GOES DOWN MUST COME BACK UP Should we shutdown the market until government is open again? shutdowns
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Small-cap S&P 600 index confirms bear marketAs U.S. stocks have been rocked by trade tensions and monetary policy worries, s... Go ahead and crash already. I don't have a 401k. I cashed in months ago. 🤣🤣🤣 They ain't stealing my money!😂🖕 Stock market!
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