India's economy has come under pressure from the coronavirus pandemic at a time when growth was already slowing, said Neeraj Seth, BlackRock's head of Asian credit."India entered the whole situation of Covid on a weaker footing ... and if anything, the lockdown and the slowdown of economy only put more pressure on the banking system," he added.
"Overall it leaves the case a bit weaker," Neeraj Seth, head of Asian credit at the investment giant, told CNBC's"India entered the whole situation of Covid on a weaker footing ... and if anything, the lockdown and the slowdown of economy only put more pressure on the banking system," he added.
Companies need to get out of Communist China.. India is not a bad alternative.
Sustainability and recycling should remain a priority for the nation. India's credit rating will be reviewed over the course of this pandemic. Industries and services will have to adapt to new models to find their path in this current environment.
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