. The premium cabler has renewed the series, which follows a group of young graduates competing for a limited number of permanent positions at a leading international bank in London.“Mickey and Konrad have captured an authentic, fresh angle on workplace culture from the bottom up and presented a complex look at navigating life in your early twenties – replete with thrills, failures and victories,” said Francesca Orsi, EVP HBO Programming.
Herrold, Marisa Abela, Harry Lawtey, David Jonsson and Nabhaan Rizwan star as “The Graduates,” with Conor MacNeill, Freya Mavor, Will Tudor and Ken Leung as “Management.” First-time creators Down and Kay executive produce with Jane Tranter, Lachlan MacKinnon, Ryan Rasmussen, David P. Davis and by Ben Irving for BBC. Ed Lilly is co-executive producer and Lee Thomas produces. Writers include Kay, Down, Sam H. Freeman and Kate Verghese. Directors include Lena Dunham, Ed Lilly, Tinge Krishnan, Mary Nighy.
The eight-episode first season launched on November 9 and will wrap with the final two episodes airing back-to-back Monday, December 21 at 10 pm and 11 pm ET/PT on HBO. All eight episodes are currently available to stream on HBO Max.
Good show!
Bry_larrea uh
seriadator 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Awesome! I watched season one in it’s entirety and it’s so good!
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