"One of Luno’s ambitions is a potential public listing in the future," said its new CEO James Lanigan."However, the timing and geographic details of a potential IPO are unknown at this stage, but yes, we will be exploring all options."
Last week Lanigan took over as CEO from co-founder Marcus Swanepoel, a move some crypto watchers interpreted as preparation for a listing. Swanepoel, who has been with the company since it was named BitX and operated out of an office park outside Stellenbosch, was named executive chair. "Co-founding and serving as the CEO of Luno for the past 10 years has been the greatest honour of my career, and I’m excited for our next chapter as we continue to put the power of crypto in everyone’s hands," said Swanepoel in a statement.
Luno, today headquartered in London, was founded in 2013 by four South Africans as one of the country's first cryptocurrency exchanges. In 2020, it was bought by US-based blockchain investor the Digital Currency Group .
_Business Well Done Luno you guys went far lol 🙏🏽❤️🤗🚀 Let's Get it straight they are the broker Basically the middle man that makes one transaction possible over to another with a click They the sailing post office ship at hyper speed
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