"'Being rich' is among the most empty goals a person can have," the tweet reads."Accumulating money for the sake of a number misses the point entirely — life should be treated as a story you are writing, and money should be the ink that helps you write, not the story itself."
"Essentially, I think in this country we put an enormous premium on the accumulation of wealth as an isolated achievement — the lists ranking the X wealthiest people, the constant focus on celebrities' net worth, the obsession with displaying personal wealth on social media — and this creates a perception that the number itself is in some way a goal," Chelsea Fagan, co-founder of The Financial Diet, told Business Insider.
Money, according to Fagan, should be viewed as a way to facilitate a good life that provides things like security, comfort, freedom, options, and, occasionally, risks — not as a material to be hoarded.
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