than all the presidential candidates combined ... We now will have The Child, also known as Baby Yoda," Build-A-Bear CEO Sharon Price John said during a presentation at the ICR Conference in Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday. John — holding up a Baby Yoda stuffed animal to the audience — said that Baby Yoda will be available at Build-A-Bear workshops in the next few months.
"It's great, again, to be in business with best-in-class partners," John said. According to John, Build-A-Bear, Disney, and Lucasfilms worked quickly to make the Baby Yoda character a reality. crucial to Build-A-Bear's business. Almost half of Build-A-Bear's sales are to tweens, teens, and adults, John said on Tuesday. According to John, the chain is seeing significant growth in adults shopping online, seeking out products produced in partnership with companies like Disney, Lucasfilms, and Warner Brothers.
One of the most overrated trends ever. Would rather be reading about tide pods again.